United Wireless Station, St. Helens, Oregon

1911. Operators Thurston, Vosburgh, and Duffy (L to R).

“Asleep on deck – 1919 – USS Idaho – Gitmo” Courtesy of Joe C. James, 2904-SGP

Tesla Plaque in Memorial Park, Colorado Springs, CO

Recently Uncovered One-of-a-Kind Portrait of Dr. DeForest at 37, Restored by Phil Krejci

Variometer hand-made by Edwin Howard Armstrong about 1908

Edwin S. Pridham, co-inventor of the electrodynamic speaker

DL1XA Crystal Receiver, 1917. From Richard Dargatz, 1299-P.

Colin Kennedy 110 Universal Receiver. Photo by Charlie Maass, 580-P.

Hyman Mandel at VCA Ellis Bay, Quebec, May, 1951.

VAY Radio, Cape Hopes Advance, Hudson Straits, 1955

George Koktuk, Dick Green, Bob Oxner, Visitor, Hans Rasmusen, VAY Radio, Cape Hopes Advance, 1955

KPH Operators & Engineers, 1920. Photo restored by Phil Krejci

Lt. Commander Norman Sykes, 332-P, First Society Member in the U.K.

Radio Room, SS Iowan, 1919-1920

Ed Raser, 35-P

Dick Egolf, Radio Tractor Unit 33, McAllen, Texas, 1918-1919. US Army Signal Corps Radio Intelligence.

The following 9 photos are higher-resolution versions of some of the photos shown in the 1920 Simon Radio catalog. You can view the entire catalog by clicking here.

EJ Simon Aeronautical Radios

Simon 1/2 Kw French Marine Transmitter

Simon Radio Direction Finder

Simon Factory, ~1920

1st “phone” call HI to CA, Matsonia to KPH, July 26, 1922. L to R: Teal, LaFetra, Slater

Simon 1/2 Kw French Marine Transmitter

Elmo Pickerill, Maria DeForest, Ben Beckerman, Dr. Lee DeForest, and Chas. Rice, NY, Nov. 3, 1954

Ben Beckerman & David Sarnoff in undated photo by Gallagher of NY

Ben Beckerman in radio room, SS Hamilton, 1908

Radio room, SS Hamilton, 1908. Note 10″ spark coil

Ben Beckerman speaks at the re-dedication of the Wireless Operators Memorial in Battery Park, May 12, 1954

Re-dedication of the Wireless Operators Memorial in Battery Park, May 12, 1954

“Sailors could walk ashore without getting their feet wet”
The photo of the University of Chicago physics department faculty below shows wireless inventor Carl Kinsley in distinguished company. To his right, Michelson (along with Edward Morley) designed and carried out the experiment that disproved the existence of “ether”, while behind him Millikan was the first to determine the charge on an electron. These names conjure up high school or college physics courses!

The photo below, presumably taken by Carl Kinsley when he established the first wireless telegraphy link on the Pacific Coast in 1900, is actually a photocopy of Kinsley’s original photo with visual enhancements and notes likely by his daughter, Colony Kinsley Parrott.

The photo below shows the proprietary equipment Kinsley used to communicate between Fort Mason and Fort Alcatraz in 1900. Photo quality is unfortunately poor.

SS President Lincoln Radio Room, Fred Mangelsdorf, 3rd RO (R), 1923

DeForest’s First “Speaking Arc” and 1907 Audion Receiver

DeForest’s First Responder (Detector)

First US Navy Wireless Station, DeForest Equipped

DeForest Equipment, US Navy Key West Station, 1906

Dr. DeForest with 4-Stage Audion Amplifier, 1913

Dr. DeForest Broadcasting from Parker Bldg, NY, 1907

Lee DeForest & Early Audion

DeForest Combination Syntonizer and Receiver – Thanks to Rich Groshong for ID

Navy Station NAI, Philadelphia Navy Yard, 1924

Interior of NY Herald Station OHX, Battery, 1914

Exterior of NY Herald Station OHX, Battery, 1914

Zenith Radio Co-founder & US Navy Captain RHG Mathews (R) in New Guinea, 1943

USN Training Ship USS Yantic, From Mathews Collection

Annaka 1920 Type E Receiver

Annaka Denki Seisakujo, Ltd, Tokyo 1920

Annaka TYK Radiotelephone, 1920

Sayegi Wireless Telephone Type B, by Annaka of Tokyo, 1920

Arthur Jacoby, 62-P, with Poem by Katherine Rowley

Jose Contreras, Panagra Radio Operator, Tacna, Peru 1932

San Francisco’s 27 Radiomen to Harvard
The following 6 photos were taken and preserved by Society member Ed Raser, W2ZI, and are undated:

Dan Flomerfeldt and Rotor from Alexanderson Alternator, WGG, Tuckerton NJ

Ed Raser and AWA Members at Alexanderson Alternator, WGG, Tuckerton NJ

200 KW Alternator at WGG, Tuckerton NJ

Keying Board and Relays for 200 KW Alternator, Tuckerton NJ

Tuckerton Radio “WSC” (Moved to West Creek, NJ)

Guy Anchor at German Wireless Station WSL, Sayville, L.I., NY

Navy Station NAA, Arlington, Va. 1911. Built by Fessenden/NESCO. Shows rotary gap, tuning inductance, compressed air condenser and driving motor.

H.W. McCandless, Who Made DeForest’s 1st Audion Bulb, and Gerald F.J. Tyne, 1950

Richmond Blake, RM 1st Class, USCG Cutter Modoc, 1924. Note arc transmitter, center.

Receiving Room, POZ, Nauen, Germany, 1917

Corner Transmitter Room, Nauen, Germany, 1914

Doughboy Field Radio, France, 1918

Doughboy Portable Field Radio, France, 1918

Dodge Telegraph School, Valparaiso, Indiana, 1917: All About Getting High?

Early Wireless Station, Colon, Panama

Richard Johnstone Outside KPH, Daly City, CA

E.J. Quinby, SS Gulflight, 1917

Ignatius McCarty Showing Microphone, 1925 Pacific Radio Expo

Arc Transmitter, Mare Island Navy Yard, 1919

Richard Johnstone, Lee O. Fassett, SS Matsonia, 1911

Bill Breniman and Richard Johnstone, circa 1970

Reggie Baer and Bill Erick, SS President, 1911

George S. Hubbard and Friends, SS Beaver

SS Asia, Wrecked Off the Coast of China, April 23, 1911

SS Asia Wreck Being Boarded by Chinese River Pirates

SS Asia Foundering on Rocks

C.B. Cooper, United Wireless Station, Leadville, CO, 1905

Men o’ War, 1885, from Marlo G. Abernathy Album

Ignatius McCarty (L) and George Parson, US Immigration Service, at the Wireless Telephone

Pacific Wireless Radiotelegraph Station, Avalon, Catalina Island in 1903

Exterior of Pacific Wireless, Avalon

Pacific Wireless Crew, Mt. Tamalpais, Feb 22, 1906

Installing Pacific Wireless Station on Mt. Tamalpais, Feb 22, 1906

Francis J. McCarty, at 13 the Inventor of the First Wireless Telephone in the Western US

Ignatius McCarty, Brother of Francis McCarty and Himself an Early Wireless Pioneer

McCarty Wireless Telephone Transmitter

McCarty Wireless Telephone System at the 1925 Pacific Radio Expo, with Ignatius McCarty at Right

Probably Richard Johnstone Atop The Harvard in 1922

SoWP Officers James Brown, Bill Breniman, Frank Geisel, and Eben Cady

Last of the Spark Gap Stations, WNW, Philadelphia, 1929

PanAm Philippine Clipper, Manila, December 1935

Another View of Philippine Clipper

Philippine Clipper, with Unidentified Men on It

Clipper with (L to R) Gail McNair, unknown, Walter Baumgartner (Pres McKinely RO)

CAA International Station WBR, Everglades Radio, Miami Florida Circa 1946
LR 3208051805 WBR Xmas Card – Click here for a 1946 Christmas card with photos from CAA international station WBR, Everglades Radio, Miami, Florida

Cutting & Washington Type 4A Spark Transmitter

WEX Car Ferry Transmitter, Great Lakes, 1924

Supertanker SS Jeronimo Radio Room in 1917

Panama Canal, radioman Lyman W. Packard on SS El Cedro, early-to-mid 1920s.

Pan Am station KNBI in 1935, the first radio shack on Wake Island.

Pan Am radio shack being transported to Wake Island aboard the SS North Haven in 1935.

Page from 1906-7 Marconi stock prospectus. Includes Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, station at Babylon, LI.

Page from 1906-7 Marconi stock prospectus. Includes SS Minneapolis, station at Sea Gate, NY.

Brass name plate of Marconi P-8 2 kW spark transmitter on SS Mallory.

Brass patent plate from Marconi P-8 2 kW spark transmitter on SS Mallory.

Carl Lindh, 676-SGP in photos at L. Not sure of ID of others.

USS Von Steuben and others from Carl Lindh collection.

Photos of Alaska, pre WWI, from Carl Lindh collection.

SS Congress afire off Coos Bay, OR, in 1916. ROs were Henry Dickow and Carl Lindh.